
A Luring Lagoon & Tasman Sea Shenanigans | We Finally Left Broken Bay!

Picking up where we left off last time…. We finally set sail on a mini adventure then visited a marina to get some EPIC cleaning done. That was all a bit of fun manoeuvring in a small space in a boat that reverses like a drunken elephant. Anywho… mission accomplished. Clean boat. Clean Crew. Happy days. Now these two pretty content little sailors are refusing to head back to home base.

Once you get a taste of the other side and you can’t just go back like nothing happened! Life is better floating around in secluded bays avoiding the everyday hustle and bustle.

And as far as secluded bays go…. we found an absolute cracker!

A bay that was pretty busy as we sailed past on Sunday around lunch time, soon emptied out as all the city slickers headed back for work the next day. Enter, two scallywags searching for a place all to themselves.

The place is called Castle Lagoon and although it lacks a sandy beach it more than makes up for it in magnificent surroundings, interesting sea-life and a waterfall that feels like you are in another world.

We did a few jobs during our stay but kept ourselves occupied paddling around the bay, fishing and rock climbing to find waterfalls. The shallows were full of tiny cuttlefish that looked so damn fluffy and cute. They would panic and ink themselves onto the rocks when we got too close so Nathan would carefully flip them back into the water.

Fresh fish for dinner just got us even more excited for nights on the reef up north or trying to catch a tuna on the way!

All the bays in Cowan Creek look bloody gorgeous and my favourite parts so far have been these hidden waterfalls you have to climb to find. Castle Lagoon had one of it’s own which you can find beyond massive boulders and tree trunks bridging the way.

Ugh! It makes me sick it’s so pretty!!

Castle Lagoon was where we decided it was time to leave the protection of Pittwater and Broken Bay. It was time to leave the nest….. Test the waters (or ocean?) so to speak.

We were going to head out to the big blue.

There were good winds and the swell was only a metre, thus giving us perfect conditions and no excuse! It’s crazy how daunting it seemed leaving the protected waters of the bay. But it was time to see what the old girl was capable of!

Sailing out, the wind was swinging a bit but we managed to cruise along nicely and we just headed STRAIGHT OUT. I guess we would have hit New Zealand if we kept on going? We probably had the supplies to make the trip… but not the skills. Not yet anyway!

Let me tell you one thing though. Ocean sailing felt SOOOOO GOOD!! The sail out was nice.. we had music going, the sea state was pretty calm and the winds were breezy. We checked out our in-boom reefing system, practiced heaving-too and after a couple of hours thought we should start heading back in.

This is where the fun really started.

The swell had picked up a little and we had the wind on our beam. Ohhhh yeahhh! Now we’re talking! We were hooting along and it was SO MUCH FUN! I’m not sure if I am getting my excitement across in the manner I would like….. IT WAS SO DAMN FREAKING AMAZING! Cruising back into Broken Bay like we knew exactly what we were doing. This is the stuff we are ready for.

Even after that, we didn’t go back to our home mooring…. We are real sailors now anyway. We had a couple more nights at Castle Lagoon, actually did some boat jobs, I even winched Nathan up the mast for the first time! Kind of scary and definitely a work out!

I guess these last few days gave us the boost we needed to get back into our boat jobs getting ready to start cruising north. We can’t wait to get back home to the Sunny Coast then finally head up to the reef! Man I am so proud of what we have achieved so far. Two sea gypsies coming right up! Just need to squeeze in a lot more adventures and practice before departure date.

Until next time.


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