
Buckle Up For a Birthday Bonanza| Turning 29 Could Be Worse

So last time I left you with this guy. The captain. Looks like he has things under control.

Since our recent towing debacle with Poly we have to secure him to deck every time we move. This might not seem like a big deal but we are quickly becoming aware of just how heavy this fella is.

And he is HEAVY.

So we pretty much flew past the next couple of stops because we didn’t want to go through the process of getting him on and off the deck. Love him as an exploration dinghy but it would be great if he could shed a few kilos.

We sailed past Goldsmith and Thomas Islands, had a squally night at Shaw, then headed past Lindeman into the middle of the Whitsundays. Flat water sailing is the bomb diggity so we were pretty stoked to be in flat-(ish) waters again. Jib only sailing is also a new favourite for a couple of lazy sailors.

A hop skip and a jump later we ended up at Long Island. Another abandoned resort means there really isn’t much happening there… We had a crack at one of the walks which obviously had terrible views.

Ugh disgusting…

Airlie Beach was calling our name to pick up a few supplies for the other things that had broken. We have had quite a few things go wrong this year so future Kate writing this is having trouble remembering everything that needed fixing in this particular instance. What I do remember is spending more money.

Bring Out Another Thousand – am I right?

We also had a bonus visit from these two hooligans who were on their way north. Via road of course…. much more sensible than us.

Townsville was still in our sights to get our dodgy engine bracket fixed so onwards we go! We had an AMAZING moonrise at Woodwark Bay.

We also made a huge mess at Woodwark Bay using all the stuff we bought in Airlie to fix all that stuff that was broken….

After all our hard work we had a nosy around the beach and the super expensive resort that is hidden away. Woodwark Bay is really pretty but the thing is, we had a really important decision to make.

Captain Cornflake’s birthday is not something to be taken lightly and we needed a destination.

We decided to push a bit further north.

Let the birthday celebrations commence!

Once appropriately caffeinated the following ingredients are needed for your typical island style birthday:

Bonfire on the beach. Even if you do forget your light and have to high tail it back to the dinghy in fear of crocodiles.

General beach combing. We had a glorious day and the place all to ourselves.

Shell collecting and mangrove exploring. Gotta keep up that special shell collection ya know!

Sun downers on the deck. Because it is virtually a prerequisite to being a sailor.

Fresh squid for dinner and a big ol’ apple pie for dessert. Can’t complain about that. Wonder what the next year around the sun has in store. Hopefully more adventures and not so much work!

Until next time.


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