Best Time to Travel Europe | Why we Love October!
Planning a Europe trip? Don’t know when to go? There is so much to see in that part of the World and October is a great time to do it! We have been on two lengthy trips to Europe, both during the month of October. There is a reason we chose to go at this time of year and there is a reason it was the time we visited again. We just can’t get enough. The people, the mountains, the cities, the beaches, the adventures. This time of year just has so much to offer! We have mainly travelled Western Europe, but for us, these parts in October are absolute perfection! If you like the outdoors and getting off the beaten track, here are a few reasons why it is the ideal time to book that plane ticket.
October Crowds in Europe
I don’t like crowds of people no matter where they are. Yes, we do love to meet people when we travel, but being surrounded by large chattering groups of tourists in the middle of a major European city is my idea of hell. Makes me shudder just thinking about it. Obviously if you are at a festival or event it is different. For your general exploring however, it isn’t nice to be elbowing oblivious tourists out of the way as you walk down the street.
October is out of peak tourist season in European countries. The crowds are a little thinner leaving you more opportunities to experience some real culture and interact more with the locals. People-watching can involve watching European locals rather than fumbling tourists searching for their maps and cameras. It’s not that I hate all people….. I just love the feeling visiting somewhere totally far away and where the people around me are completely different from myself. If you love the hustle and bustle, and vibe off large crowds of people, then this isn’t the month for you.
If you want to experience the more relaxed and quaint side of the continent, give October a go.
October Weather
Both trips to Europe in the month of October have blessed us with the most perfect weather. Fresh air, clear skies and a variety of temperatures depending where we were. The stinking hot days of summer are long gone but the freezing temperatures of winter haven’t arrived yet. I find extreme heat can really take the enjoyment out of travelling. It can leave you feeling tired and uncomfortable so you can’t appreciate where you are. Pair this with big crowds of tourists and I have already ran 1000km in the other direction! Europe in October is just lovely weather wise.
Head up into the mountains if you want to rug up, or meander down to the coast for a toasty beach day.
Those European Autumn Colours
Maybe this is because we don’t really have an autumn here on the Queensland Coast, but Europe in October with all it’s autumn colours will get me every time.
I just can’t get enough of all the fiery reds, oranges and yellows in the trees.
You can get some amazing insta-worthy photos and if you take a drive up through the alps it takes spectacular to the next level. The villages and cities also get a splash of magic. All those cobblestone lanes, lined with trees in various shades of red look like they are out of a fairy tale.
From The Alps to The Coast – October Has it All
October in Europe gives you best of everything. We have enjoyed cities, beaches, forests, mountains and even a bit of snow! The hiking is spectacular in October. In the alps you are surrounded by vivid autumn colours and fresh mountain air.
One hike may have you walking through lush green forests and another through a winter wonderland.
The beaches are quieter at this time of year as the weather starts to freshen up but on a beautiful sunny day the water is the perfect temperature for a refreshing dip. We even found ourselves working up a sweat at times, so you can definitely find those warm, blissful beach days even in October.
Walking around cities in Autumn is magical.
The crisp air and blue skies fill you with energy. Walking through adorable little villages or beautiful cities with autumn leaves falling around you. Oh! So Pretty!
If you haven’t been paying attention, basically Europe in October is the place to be.
The culture and history over there is something else and you can really immerse yourself in it away from the large crowds. Break away from the classic Euro Trip in July and try something different. Not all at once though please, because I would still like some places to myself!
I can’t wait to return to some of my favourites places in Europe and when I book my next plane ticket, I know what time I will be visiting!
Until next time.